Thursday, February 28, 2013

Family trip - the Smith's

why are my wife, 2 daugthers and I going on this trip?  
I really enjoy meeting and serving fellow Christians in other parts of the world.  I want my daughters to see how great it is to serve others and be a part of a group with a focus to serve with a purpose. I also want my daughters to see how other Christians live, how they serve and there joy.  I want my daughters to learn the joy and satisfaction you receive by helping others without being paid or even being recognized.

what I am looking forward to? 
I am looking forward to spending time with my family and making memories that will bring a great perspective to fall back on when we come back to our opulent, pampered, self-centered culture in America and when we feel ourselves being sucked in to compete for more.

what can others be praying for us?  
Pray that my family would be sensitive to the Lord and His calling in their lives.  That they would embrace God's highest and best calling in their lives without fear and that we as parents would lead by example.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Team member Bio - Pastor Dave Rodgers

This is my second trip to Jamaica and Fairview Baptist Bible College.  In 2007 I had the opportunity to go with a group of fellow seminary students.  It was a great opportunity to meet brothers and sisters in Christ and also encourage pastors and Bible college students in the Word.  One of the projects we did on that first  trip was to help organize the library which they were hoping to expand.  This year the major part of our project is building a new library for the students and pastors.  

I love helping disciples make disciples.  I am looking forward to helping members of the team share and adjust to life in another culture.  I am also looking forward to the revisiting the college and assisting FBBC in their mission.  Most importantly, I am looking forward to what God has planned for me, the team and those we will be ministering to in Jamaica.

Pressing on,
Pastor Dave Rodgers
Acts 20:24

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Our Team

Please remember to be praying for those 
going on the JAM 13 trip.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Our purpose

We are excited to go to Jamaica to help Ken and Clea Rathbun and others at Fairview Baptist Bible College:
  • Working to help FBBC ( to fulfill their mission of training servant leaders to serve God by 
    • working on FBBC's library construction work
    • teaching and encouraging the students at the college
  • Sharing God's word in churches and school connected with or near FBBC